Services Australia is upgrading its digital health and aged care channels

Services Australia: Upgrades to digital health and aged care channels

Services Australia is upgrading its digital health and aged care channels. We want to help you understand how these upgrades may impact you.

To continue accessing Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels, you will need web service-compatible software by 13 March 2022.

If you use an alternative channel or don’t use software to transmit claims and data to the agency, these upgrades won’t affect you.

What claiming channels are being upgraded?

Services Australia is upgrading the following online channels to web services:

Services Australia is also strengthening its authentication process by replacing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) site certificates with Provider Digital Access (PRODA) for organisations.

PRODA is an online authentication system that verifies an organisation or individuals’ identity online. It enables secure access to multiple government online services, including Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels.

For more information about PRODA, visit

Why are these changes happening?

These changes will ensure Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels are stable and using up-to-date industry standard technology.

Services Australia will also ensure that patient and provider information is secure, now and into the future.

What this means for you

If you still use a Medicare PKI site certificate to authenticate to any of these channels, you’ll need to upgrade your software and may need to register for PRODA before 13 March 2022.

If you don’t upgrade your software by this date, your business may need to revert to manual processes or switch to other digital channels where available, for example, HPOS or the Aged Care Provider Portal. This may create disruption, additional administrative pressure and unnecessary costs.

What you need to do

Your software developer will have information on their transition and upgrade plans for your site. If you haven’t heard from them, contact them now and ask:

If you use PBS Online, your software developer will contact you when more information is available.

If you don’t have a software developer, or they’re not developing web services-compatible software, you can find developers who are. Go to, and select How to find a software developer.

Important note: Medicare PKI certificates are used for purposes other than digital claiming or transmitting data to us. You may still need your PKI certificate to authenticate for other programmes.

More information about Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels

It’s important you find out what you need to do to get ready for web services. Go to

To access the web services eKit and factsheets to help you prepare for the change to web services and PRODA, visit the above page and select How to prepare for web services.

If you have any questions about the upgrade to web services, please contact

Services Australia is upgrading its digital health and aged care channels

Services Australia: Upgrades to digital health and aged care channels

Services Australia is upgrading its digital health and aged care channels. We want to help you understand how these upgrades may impact you.

To continue accessing Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels, you will need web service-compatible software by 13 March 2022.

If you use an alternative channel or don’t use software to transmit claims and data to the agency, these upgrades won’t affect you.

What claiming channels are being upgraded?

Services Australia is upgrading the following online channels to web services:

  • Medicare Online (Including AIR and DVA)
    This is the claiming channel used to submit claims and data to Services Australia. It’s usually integrated within practice management software. It includes access to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).
  • Electronic Claim Lodgement and Information Processing Service Environment (ECLIPSE)
    This is an extension of Medicare Online and provides a secure connection for communication and in hospital claiming lodgement between health professionals, day hospitals, public and private hospitals, private health insurers, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and Services Australia.It also offers providers direct communication with Services Australia and private health insurers in one transaction.
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Online
    This is the claiming channel used to submit PBS claims and data to Services Australia.
  • Aged Care Online / Web Services
    This is a new claiming channel that aged care providers can use to submit claims and data to Services Australia.

Services Australia is also strengthening its authentication process by replacing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) site certificates with Provider Digital Access (PRODA) for organisations.

PRODA is an online authentication system that verifies an organisation or individuals’ identity online. It enables secure access to multiple government online services, including Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels.

For more information about PRODA, visit

Why are these changes happening?

These changes will ensure Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels are stable and using up-to-date industry standard technology.

Services Australia will also ensure that patient and provider information is secure, now and into the future.

What this means for you

If you still use a Medicare PKI site certificate to authenticate to any of these channels, you’ll need to upgrade your software and may need to register for PRODA before 13 March 2022.

If you don’t upgrade your software by this date, your business may need to revert to manual processes or switch to other digital channels where available, for example, HPOS or the Aged Care Provider Portal. This may create disruption, additional administrative pressure and unnecessary costs.

What you need to do

Your software developer will have information on their transition and upgrade plans for your site. If you haven’t heard from them, contact them now and ask:

  • when will your web services compatible software be available
  • if you will need to register your organisation in Provider Digital Access (PRODA).

If you use PBS Online, your software developer will contact you when more information is available.

If you don’t have a software developer, or they’re not developing web services-compatible software, you can find developers who are. Go to, and select How to find a software developer.

Important note: Medicare PKI certificates are used for purposes other than digital claiming or transmitting data to us. You may still need your PKI certificate to authenticate for other programmes.

More information about Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels

It’s important you find out what you need to do to get ready for web services. Go to

To access the web services eKit and factsheets to help you prepare for the change to web services and PRODA, visit the above page and select How to prepare for web services.

If you have any questions about the upgrade to web services, please contact