Setting Learning Goals

The Credentialling Committee has developed resources to assist credentialling applicants in the changeover to the new CPD portfolio requirements.

The first step in using the new CPD portfolio templates is setting learning goals. Below are some resources that may help in this process.

Setting Learning Goals power point presentation with narration (to hear narration, save first, then open OR open, then press F5)

Setting Learning Goals power point presentation in pdf with notes

SMART Learning Goals

Examples of Learning Goals

Setting Learning Goals

The Credentialling Committee has developed resources to assist credentialling applicants in the changeover to the new CPD portfolio requirements.

The first step in using the new CPD portfolio templates is setting learning goals. Below are some resources that may help in this process.

Setting Learning Goals power point presentation with narration (to hear narration, save first, then open OR open, then press F5)

Setting Learning Goals power point presentation in pdf with notes

SMART Learning Goals

Examples of Learning Goals